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14 March 2010

"مشاهدة برنامج " مصر النهاردة ... بنحلم لبكرة

برنامج " مصر النهاردة ... بنحلم لبكرة"
(برنامج البيت بيتك بثوبه الجديد)
تقديم :
 محمود سعد
 تامر أمين
 خيرى رمضان
 منى الشرقاوى
لمشاهدة البرنامج اضغط هنا
يذاع البرنامج
من السبت الى الخميس
الساعة العاشرة مساء
على الثانية و المصرية
موقع البرنامج هنا

البريد الالكتروني للمذيعين   محمود سعد   تامر أمين   منى الشرقاوى   خيرى رمضان 

البريد الالكتروني للبرنامج


Phone Numbers
تليفونات البرنامج




  1. I have noticed that since you premiered your new show, that you have wasted more air time on commericals than time spent on the actual talk show. It seems that this might be because of the fact that you don't have enough material so you are trying to fill in the time with commericals instead. According to the international law for the media, there should be a certain time required for commericals vs. actual talk show air time. Please take this into consideration and if you could air this comment on your show that would be fair enough.

  2. While your opinion is noted, would you be so kind as to be more specific?
    Which commercials are you talking about?
    If you’re talking about the above announce?
    It’s not a commercial, it’s just a link
    This is to help people find some good site..!

  3. Why Arabs like to play solo?

    We live in a very complicated world to the point that one man effort, knowledge and experience can merely scratch the surface of any field or science. Currently, any discovery, invention or success is a result of team work. All successful corporations, institutions, research and development centers, think tanks and governments are run by successful teams. In fact the entire world businesses and its corporations had invented a new science they call it the world supply chain. In it each team is a linkage of course this linkage could be country or corporation the main thing to be counted, respected and acknowledge as a world player, you must be a linkage in this production machinery. Now how a country or corporations become a linkage in this chain? Answering this questions requires many elements but the main and the most important is’ Team work’. Someone may think it is easy task. In fact it is not. It requires academic training from early age and can only be achieved by teaching young children how to listen to each other, communicate, synergize, carry on with some one else idea, respect each other differences, set goal and fellow it. Yet the Arab world best described by this statement “The only thing Arabs agrees on is not to agree.” I was aggravated very much when I heard this phrase then I decided to examine it. It is true and fact and no one can challenge it. Now, we know we have a social disease let us examine why and who can we fix it? In this essay I am going to examine one of the causality to Arab preferences to play solo as individuals, corporations and countries……………………………….. if you interested to receive the rest of my essay please e mail me or bring this subject up for discussion thanks

  4. monsieur tamer je vous demande que la rue de Mohamed naghib sois nettoyer parce que chaque année nous venons ont Egypte pour passer nos vacance et nous trouvons la rue salle avec plein d'animaux et ces dommage de trouver cette rue soi plein de désagrément merci de votre compression vive l egyptr

  5. بسم الله الرحمن الرحبم
    الابن الفاضل الاستاذ تامر
    اتوسل لحضرتك بمداخله مع حضرتك على قناتنا الحبيبه او اتصال شخصى رقم تلفونى 00447901026856
    عمبد مهندس ابو النور مقيم فى لندن
    وارجوا لو مفبش رصيد لديك اعطينى رنه وانا اتصل بحضرتك
    مع كل تحياتى
    تحيا جمهوريه مصر العربية

  6. الاخ تامر نحن فى السعوديه نؤيد الثوره الفتيه حيث انها حققت كثير من الانجازات ولكن يوجد تناقض شديد لتشبثهم بارائهم حيث انهم ينشدون الديمقراطيه الديمقراطيه ياسيدى العزيز ان تسال باقى الشعب بطريقة الاستفتاء هل تؤيدهم ام لا
    ابو مصطفى

  7. Dear Mr. Mahmoud Saad "Halal Alaik" the money at least you did not steal it !! you do alot of good things for people and when you refused to LY and forge & you risked your money is something for you not against you!!why this stupid guy Anas ElFeky is jelous of you ? because you told him NO and you did not follow him as Abd Ellatif Elminawy? and you were right. because you were honest. i am sure Elminawy wnted that Big Change in Egypt but he could not do the same. He just waited to see who is going to be the winner that is all.... by the way Why Eljazeerah is back now!!!! I am really proud now that I am an Egyptian.Minawy please do not be so worried!! Masr will not fall down now at the opposite it will stand up by cleaning ,clearing the way to honesty and faith and hope for tomorrow. Thanks to the army they saved the day.. Good luck . Saly USA email":

  8. I liked Dr. Eltayeb speech today Feb 16,2011 from AlAzhar Al Sharif I appreciate that man and all what he said.
    I also appreciate Dr. Ali Gomaa Mofty Masr for his word in Jan 7,2011 it was really nice and meaningful and makes a united connected religions in Egypt. Please CONTINUE for an extraordinary Egypt and to fix what bad people did to Masr. On this road we will never lose.
    I wish them both good health and people's love.
    Saly egyptian christian, USA email:

  9. Please, for the sake of Sally Zahran's precious sol and blood forget about the past and its symbols and I pray the girl that wants to make a protest for the ex-president for any reason, to cancel the idea only to not to tease the parents of the killed pure souls who died for her to stay alive.
    Please,pray the Fatha for our courageous heros and pray forgiveness for HIM instead.

  10. Dear all Masr Elnaharda team,
    Please find a way to get Atfal El Shawareaa (street kids) out of their terrible life if we left them that will be " Kofr" . It is very enough the kids who died in Sharkeya busses to work for 3 pounds a day the money that i was spending on a taxi to go to college. HARAM!!
    I also appreciate Mona ElSharkawy's situation or defense on that topic She is a mother and know that feeling.
    Please tell me how I can help for that topic.
    Saly USA. email:

  11. years ago people told King Farouk Who can't control his mother can't control a country now we say who can't control his wife and sons can't control a country.

  12. Dear Mahmoud Saad,
    I watched you again on your website about Feb 17 episod you were surprised because you were giving excuse for Anas ElFeky and then you found out that he attacks you!! When did Elfeky show the first announcement of the Army ? that was after the last speech of Mubarak that all the people refused. I mean Mubarak already resigned in an indirect way and then Elfeky had to follow the Army's order.Nobody could refuse such order at that moment.
    If they were men then you were a GOOD MAN.

  13. What did they do with the Israely engeneer that they found in Suez.The news did not reveal its story?

  14. Thanks for not showing commercials in the middle of the series in Nile TV, please keep it that way commercials has to be only between a series and another to not to bother the viewers.Also keep showing the nice songs of the revolution to keep the spirit of the revolution. Thanks.

  15. I don't know why some people are taking attitude from Ahmad Shafeek It is really clear that he cares honestly about people Why he was not in the government long time ago? It seems that Mubarak knows very well who is good and who is bad ! because he brought him too late after people told him enough stealing and depriving us!! Sure Mubarak understands like Ibn Ali of Tunis exactly the same way..

  16. انا بجد زعلان على البلد دى
    البلد دى كانت اامن بلد فى العالم
    نا بخاف وانا قاعد جوا بيتى
    لية المصرين بتمشى ورا ناس من برة مصر
    اية لازمة الوقفات اللى فى ميدان التحرير
    نداء الى كل الشعب المصرى خليك حر الراى من نفسك
    مش القرضاوى وغيرة
    انتو بتطالبو بالافراج عن المعتقلين لية
    مش دول اللى خربو البلد
    لو كويسين ماكانو اعتقلو
    سيبو البلد تشوف شغلها عشان يرجع الامان
    بدل ما يعم الخراب والفوضى
    مش الديمقراطية

  17. Dear Khayry,
    Elsakya is a great idea it also will help the kids of the streets. Concerning Elfareek Ahmad Shafeek. My opinion is he should stay till the end of this critical period the problem is not changing faces the important thing is the results I see he is a modern man he has a different way in thinking plus he solves the problems that people asks for, as much as he can. He didn;t have any bad attitude toward the revolutionary youth or the revolution on general. we should also trust that the Army is supervising everything. he as i see does much more than what we expect as a temporary prime minister.It is not in our favor to change him and disrupt ourselves the man is working with a different view and that is clear and enough for the time being.
    People please,stay calm so nobody laugh at us!!Sure you know who I am talking about.let's keep success.

  18. ارجوا وضع ارقام تليفونات البرنامج على الشاشه

  19. انا المقدم محمد عفيفى :برجاء تلبية مطلب وزارة الداخليه والشعب باكمله فى ترقية الامناء الى رتبة الملزم بعد 15 عاما مساواه بافراد الجيش لان هذا سوف يمنع كثيرا من التجاوزات و الخضايا فى الشرطه و برجاء تلبية هذا الطلب.

  20. I think Safwat Elshareef and Fthy Soroor who are over 70 years old are counting their collected money through 35 years or more and I think we as Egyptians should bother them a little , and annoy them for sometime to ask them Where did they get their fortune from ? or you think there are still some people ABOVE THE LAW? If that is the truth please tell us on TV so we make another revolution if the first one was not enough !!!
    The revolution as egyptians chanted, was not only for dignity,liberty and corruption,it was also for food,education and being treated as a human being. egyptians are not stupid they are highly intelligent and they know their rights.

  21. What is our situation from Lybia ? are we still negative in helping even Lybia in its revolution? I know Egypt is busy now but those people are facing an ubnormal person! Or that is because we still Under Mr. Abou Elghaet old policy?

  22. Dear Mahmoud Saad,
    Sorry that we will not see you in masr elnahard. I hope I see you very soon in your own program that stays if you stay. take your advertisement with you and make more millions and don't worry about jealous people. good luck all the time.

    Saly USA

  23. أ.خيرى رمضان
    أنت صوت العقل والحكمة فى هذا البرنامج. الموافقة على تقديم البرنامج بدون مقابل يعنى الكثير لنا. أرجوا نشر شعار الجيش و الشعب والشرطه يد واحدة
    شكراً مايسة

  24. Dear masr elnaharda team,
    No wonder that Mr.ElDeeb is the lawyer of Habib El Adly He is the lawyer of killers.. He can't convince me now that ElAdly is innocent !!! ElAdly is the killer of his people,Killer of christians, He killed and tortured innocent people,and at the end he is the killer of himself because GOD is here and watching everyone and Only him who punishes. Because egyptians blood is not Cheap !!! as the ex-president said !!! but i guarantee ElDeeb that ElAdly will not be a repeated example of Talaat Mostafa you might deceive people once but you cannot deceive them twice! I am sure Judges will be under NO pressure this time to give ElAdly 7 silly years of prison. Please judges respect the intelligence of the egyptian people.

  25. I am Sorry for Mr. Ahmad Shafeek ,He did a great job but he is not lucky and may be us too !


  26. I live NEW YORK. does not mean i do not care about what is going on in my country Egypt.I noticed that the Egyptian do not get used to accept the idea of( let the ex-president live in his country). SO they do not like that; they can not take this idea at all. They want to see him either dead or away or in prison or killed or living underground but to live like everyone else funny

  27. How come this Kirolos Hana gets 15 years in prison for attempt of stealing what did he want to steal the Central Bank? at the same time the others are taking 7 years and one year and 5 years for attempt to steal? Or because he is a christian among 20 muslims? isn't this punishment exaggerated? !! What is he going to take if it is attempt of Killing someone? This is not acceptable and looks too much.No excuse but a fanatic judge give him this punishment . I thought we solved the problem of Christians and Muslims before but we did not . this is UNFAIR. Please,post this comment ,if you care about Egypt.


  28. what is funny is what you are saying now because the best place for this abuser is the prison or the hospital of the prison.


  29. MINA GEORGE06 March, 2011

    If you have been living in Egypt,
    You will notice there is no difference between Egyptian Christian and Egyptian Muslim, Christian, ..
    Also there are some fanatics from both side.
    As everywhere in the world.
    As for Mr Kirolos Hana, I can't talk about his case, because I do not know the details..
    But as you may know, each case has its own circumstances..
    But be sure my dear, that Christians & Muslims here in Egypt are one.
    Moreover, our problems in our life here are almost roughly the same.
    It is why the revolution of 25 January 2011 raised, with the participation of all Egyptians, Christians & Muslims..
    Please do not try to divide us.
    You will not succeed... You can’t divide one body...
    Have a nice Day.

  30. You can be right Mr.Mina George we don't know the circumstances of Kirolos case but as a I imagined comparing to the other cases attempt to steal is maximum 7 years and the attempt to murder should go from 15 to 25 years. NOT as Hesham Talaat Mostafa takes 7 years in prison He already spent almost 2 years in prison!! For MURDER!! I thank you for your good spirit about Egypt ,especially after Jan25. I have the same feeling about Masr after Jan 25 despite that I live now away from it. I am proud of being Masry now. by thew way I did not try to divide us, I just said my opinions with freedom.
    Please,post my answer.

    The Christian.

  31. Thank You ,Shokran,Merci, to Mr.Elmosheer Tantawy We all coptics appreciate your good and fair spirit for your order to rebuilt the church of Atfeeh ,it was really nice of you because I was just thinking how much money those people are going to collect to fix the church !! I am sure that from now on it will be justice first. And that also,will make those people feel that what they try to do of burning these places is useless.
    Thank you again.
    Saly .USA

  32. An ex- president who can stay with dignity in his country is a president for example like Bill Clinton,who left the case of the country fall of Millions and Milliars dollars,who did not deprive his people from their liberty, who didn't make fake problems among their groups and religions,to keep control on a country, he didn't leave people to eat from the garbage while he builds a fortune, who respect his people's decisions as Clinton did when they were thinking of him to resign before the end of his second term,but the people wanted him to stay because of his successful policies,and so on...
    No comparison.

  33. Dear Tamer:
    Every word you said today is right ,about the problems that happened these days. Where is the good spirit of the muslems in the revolution and before the revolution when they were giving the victims of Kenisa ElKedisayn in Alexndria their blood to live. Nobody expected that from some egyptians after the success of the revolution . Our real ennemy is the one who hurts this country and ruins it and waste the blood of Youth of Jan 25.
    God protect Masr.


  34. Dear mr.Tamer Amin,
    I agree with Mr.Gaber Nassar The right rules come first ,then the person who follows the rules if he doesn't like the rule he shouldn't already elect himself ! ,and the rules have to put consideration to the system that the revolution is raised for and not to give any chance for a person to try to change these right rules.
    It is not so hard to give Mr Elbeshry one more month to make the new rules or at least the big outlines of the new system and then they can later complete any details if necessary. Thanks for letting me take amny lines of your page but I am so concerned of Masr.


  35. Dear Mr.Kayry,
    I could understand from your guest who is talking about religious country that he accepts that a Christian Egyptian who can be the president to apply the Christian" Sharaa" or basics based on those rules are common rules as he says ?Or that is considering that as before no way the president of Egypt will be Chritian or Nosrani asthe word he says!! because in that case Christians also have the right to make their own country and follow their Christianism rules"Sharaa" and it will not be different than yours but that is the way it should go If it will not become a Civil country or "Dawla Madaneya" ...What does he think about that ?
    Those people have to wake up they are not living alone in this country .
    This is definitely against democracy and I think he will not know better than Dr. Ali Gomaa. Again I respect Dr. Ali Gomaa he is an example of a moderate Moslim.

    Saly USA

  36. dear Mr. Khayry,
    Please,stay in the program you and Tamer are the experienced now and the others will help you only . We are used to listen to your valued questions, you were with us during the revolution you should stay now. it is not fair that you leave after all these efforts.

    Saly USA

  37. Welcome Riham ,Welcome Bassel . You both look great
    Riham i know you from Sabash Elkheir ya masr i watch it every day.
    Bassel i wish you good luck.
    Best wishes for you both.

    Saly .USA

  38. عزيزي تامر وخيري
    بجد إحنا افتقدنا برنامجكم بشدة وافتقدنا حضوركم القوي وتعليقكم الرائع
    حقيقتاً البرنامج ضعيف جداً الان
    نحن كنا نشاهدكم بومياً من كندا ونستمتع بحواراتكم الرائعة وأنها خسارة كبيرة جداً لمشاهديكم وخسارة للبرنامج نفسه عدم وجودكم
    الرجاا مراجعة قراركم حيث ان البرنامج ضعيف جداً وممل للغايه
    واخيراً شكراً لكم كل ما قدمتموه حيث ان البرنامج كان رائعا بكم فقط
    شكراً خيري وتامر

  39. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السيد القائد المحترم المشير / محمد حسين طنطاوى

    القائد العام للقوات المسلحة ووزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربى
    تحية طيبة وبعد...
    لا يمكن لإنسان أيا كان أن ينكر وقوفكم المشرف أمام شباب هذا الوطن عاش فى وهم كبير حيث أقنعونا بأننا فى عنق الزجاجة طبعا بالنسبة للشعب بينما السلطة الفاسدة ومن حولها ليس لهم علاقة من قريب أو بعيد بعنق الزجاجة هذة ، كما أقنعونا بأن ثروات البلاد لا تكفى كى نعيش بكرامة على أرضنا التى ولدنا وآباءنا فيها أحرار ، بل نهبوا ثرواتنا ووضعوها فى جيوبهم على شكل أموال ومنقولات وعقارات وكأنهم قد ورثوا الأرض ومن عليها وما تحتويه فى باطنها من ثروات وكان كل ما يقولونه أن الزيادة السكانية هى التى تأكل دخل البلاد بينما ظهرت الحقيقة المرة أنهم هم وأذنابهم الفاسدين هم من أستولى بغير حق على ثروات بلادنا ولكن وللأمانة أرجوا أن يتسع صدركم وأن تتقبلوا منا ما نقوله لكم لأننا لم يعد أمامنا وقت للمجاملة أو التستر على الفساد وأقولها بصراحة
    ( أريد حقى فى بلدى )
    أين دخل قناة السويس ؟
    أين دخل البترول والغاز؟
    أين حقى فى حياة حرة كريمة؟
    ما هو الضمان بأن لا يكون هناك رئيس للدولة حرامى وسارق لقوت شعبه؟ وما هى القوانين التى تحكم ذلك ؟
    يجب أن يقسم رئيس الدولة الجديد بأنه موظف عام كأى موظف عام فى الدولة وليس فوق القانون ولا حصانة له تحميه عندما ينهب مال الدولة ويترك أبناءها فقراء لا يجدون عمل أو مأوى أو تعليم أو كرامة بينما ينعم الرئيس ومن حوله بثروات البلاد التى أؤتمن عليها؟
    ومثال ذلك ................
    الأسم : عبير إبراهيم إسماعيل إبراهيم
    الرقم القومى : 2691107010012
    العنوان : 11 حارة الزهرية – شارع الأزهر – الموسكى – محافظة القاهرة .
    الصفة : مواطنة مصرية وأرملة المرحوم : محمود محمد محمود المتوفى بتاريخ 16/7/2006م
    الرقم التأمينى : 60244586
    عدد الأولاد : (3) ثلاثة أولاد منهم طفلة بالإعدادية وطفل بالصف الأول الإعدادى بمدرسة إمبابة الإعدادية
    والثالث بالحضانة .
    مكان صرف المعاش : مكتب تأمينات الموسكى بميدان العتبة الخضراء
    قيمة المعاش بعد الزيادة 15% : 148.00 جنيه ( فقط مائة وثمانية وأربعون جنيها مصريا لا غير والله العظيم )
    أوجه صرف هذا المعاش :
    1- إيجار المسكن
    2- ملابس الأولاد
    3- فاتورة الكهرباء
    4- فاتورة الغاز( أنبوبة الغاز )
    5- المأكل ( إفطار وغذاء وعشاء وأغلب الأيام صيام والحمد لله )
    6- مصاريف الدراسة والدروس الخصوصية حتى أعبر بأبنائى إلى بر الأمان
    7- مصاريف العلاج
    8- كفاية كدة
    هل يوجد أحد يستطيع أن يعيش فى وطنه بهذا المبلغ ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
    لن أسألكم ولكن غصبا عنى هل تستطيع سيادتكم أن تصرف على بيتكم هذا المبلغ طوال الشهر أى لمدة ثلاثون يوما مع إحترامى لكم ولأسرتكم ولكننى أنا أيضا محترمة وعندى كرامة فهل قيام الدولة بعمل أسفلت للشوارع أهم من إطعام وإسكان وعلاج وتعليم وكساء أطفالها ؟
    هل ما يتقاضاه مذيع تليفزيون أو لاعب كرة أو وزير أو رئيس وزارة وما أستولوا عليه من قوت شعبنا حلال أم حرام؟
    إننى لا يهمنى أن يوضعوا فى السجون كلصوص سرقوا بلادنا وتركونا بلا كرامة ولكننا وبوقوفكم معنا وعدم إستخدام القوات المسلحة فى ضرب الثورة السلمية ضربتم أروع الأمثلة فى الوفاء لهذا الشعب العظيم الذى تحمل الظلم والقهر وأمن الدولة وبلطجة الشرطة حتى نستعيد كرامتنا ومرة أخرى أقولها لكم وبلا خوف :
    ( أريد حقى فى بلدى )
    أريد أن يكون لى معاش يكفينى وأولادى ذل الحاجة ، ليس إحسانا من أحد ولكنه حقى فى ثروات بلدى تحمينى وأولادى من ذل السؤال وفقد الكرامة فأنا مصرية ولى حق فى هذا البلد أن أعيش فيه وأولادى بكرامة ولكن حقى هذا لن أتنازل عنه فلا يمكن أن تكون هناك قصور للصوص الذين لم يحاكموا حتى الآن رغم ثبوت إدانتهم باستيلائهم على المال العام وإهدار المال العام وتكون لهم حصانة بينما أنا لا أجد ما يروى ظمأ أبنائى
    ( أريد حقى فى بلدى )
    ( أريد حقى فى بلدى )
    ( أريد حقى فى بلدى )
    أتقدم لسيادتكم بوافر الإحترام لسعة صدركم وأرجو وألح فى الرجاء أن يتم توجيه سؤالى لكل مسئول
    هل تستطيع أن تدير منزل أسرتك بمبلغ 148.00 جنيه؟؟
    شكرا سيادة الرئيس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة على تحملكم لنا وجزاكم الله خيرا عنا وحفظ لكم أبنائكم
    والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ،،،
    مقدمه لكم
    عبير إبراهيم إسماعيل إبراهيم

  40. هل يعقل أن يكون معاش أرملة وثلاثة أطفال 148 جنيه مصرى؟
    ماذا تفعل بهم ؟
    هل يستطيع أى مسئول فى الوزارة أو لاعب كورة أو مطرب أو وزير مالية أو وزير بيئة أن يجعل أسرته تعيش بمثل هذا المبلغ لمدة ثلاثون يوما فى الشهر؟ أنا مستعدة أنى أدفع جنيهان فوق ال 148 جنيه للسيد وزير التضامن الإجتماعى أو وزير المالية أو أى وزير سواء من رجال الثورة أو من النظام السابق كوزير البيئة مثلا ويتولى هو وجازاه الله خيرا أن يوفر لى مسكن وملبس وغذاء ودواء وتعليم وإلا فهل التوجه إلى مجلس الأمن لدراسة حالتى التى وصلت إليها هل يخالف القانون؟ الذهاب لمجلس الأمن بغرض إسترداد الأموال التى سرقها النظام السابق وأعوانه وجعلونى لا أستطيع مواجهة متطلبات الحياة اليومية- عبير إبراهيم سليمان
    هل يقبل وزير من الوزراء أن يكون هذا المبلغ بالعلاوة ال15% يساوى 148 جنيهيكون قادر على الصرف على بيته وأولاده ؟ أرجو الإفادة

  41. Dear khayry and Tamer and Mahmoud,
    We miss you all ,the program needs you and all your viewers want to see you. Masr Elnaharda in my opinion became another copy of " Sabah Elkheir Ya Masr", they should name it now "Masaa el Kheir ya masr".
    I don't blame you for your situation,but we really want you back.
    You did alot for this program.

    american viewer.

  42. Dear Mariam Amin,
    You added something to the program now ,we would like you to stay.
    nice to see you in an egyptian screen.

    Saly USA

  43. انا كنت مذهول بحلقه الخميس اللى كان فيها الاخ المخطط

    مش عارف هو ماله ومال السياسه هو خريج كمبيوتر ايه اللى دخل الكمبيوتر فى السياسه
    باريت مصر الجديده يبقى فيها كل واحد فى مجاله
    يعنى الاستاذ ناصر بتاع الائتلاف يخليه فى الكمبيوتر بتاعه ولو عايز يتكلم عن معاهده السلام والامور الكبيره اللى ميفهمش فيها كويس يدرس حقوق وقانون دولى وبعدين يتكلم عن المعاهات وخلافه
    مش كل واحد سمع كلمتين فى السياسه يتكلم فى السياسه
    وكل واحد سمع كلمتبن فى الدين يبقى شيخ ويقعد يفتى
    وكل واحد عندة كام لوح خشب يبقى مهندس ويبنى
    كل واحد فى مجاله فى مصر الجديده واللى عايز يستفيد على المستوى الشخصى بلاش يتكلم باسم الشعب ولا باسم الشهداء فاهم ياعم جيفارا


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