
30 November 2009

Married Couple..

A married couple in their early 60s were out celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.
Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table and said, "For being such an exemplary married couple and for being faithful to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish."
"Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband," said the wife.
The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen Mary II luxury liner appeared in her hands.
Then it was the husband`s turn.
He thought for a moment and said: "Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I`m sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me."
The wife and the fairy were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish...
So the fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - the husband became 95 years old.
The moral of the story:
Men who are ungrateful
 should remember 
that fairies are female

Never Argue with your Wfe

لا تجادل أبدا مع زوجتك
N'argumentez jamais
avec votre femme

TV Spoils Friendship

التليفزيون يفسد الصداقة
La TV gâche l'amitié

The art of begging

فن التسول
L'art de mendier

28 November 2009

Mobiles Wallpapers

مجموعة رائعة من الخلفيات لموبايل

الدنيا مطر

أهبل نازل من السيارة
 شاف الدنيا تمطر
 لف ونزل من الباب الثاني

Creative Wonders Of Photography - Close Up

عجائب التصوير الفوتوغرافي -- عن قرب

26 November 2009

"عيد أضحي مبـــــارك"

" أضحي مبـــــارك"
ويارب يارب كلنا السنة الجاية نكون حققنا كل
اللي نفسنا فيه..؟؟
اللي بيدرس ينجح
واللي ف الجامعة يتخرج
واللي مريض يشفى
واللي ماشتغلش يشتغل
واللي ماتجوزش يتجوز
واللي ماخلفش يخلف
واللي ما كلش لحمة ياكل لحمة
واللي ما فرحش يفرح
كل سنة وانتم جميعا بخير

25 November 2009

Light travels faster than sound

Light travels faster than sound.
This is why
 some people appear bright,
Until you hear them speak!
الضوء يسافر أسرع من الصوت.
هذا هو السبب
 في أن بعض الناس تبدو براقة،
 حتى تسمعهم يتكلمون!
La lumière voyage plus vite que le son.
C'est pourquoi
certaines personnes paraissent brillantes,
 Jusqu’à ce que vous les entendiez parler !

Cute Sleeping Baby

أطفال لطاف نائمون
Jolis Bébés Dormants